Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's Jungle Out There

It's a jungle out there
Disorder and confusion everywhere
No one seems to care
Well I do
Hey, who's in charge here?
It's a jungle out there
Poison in the very air we breathe
Do you know what's in the water that you drink?
Well I do, and it's amazing
People think I'm crazy, 'cause I worry all the time
If you paid attention, you'd be worried too
You better pay attention
Or this world we love so much might just kill you
I could be wrong now, but I don't think so!
'Cause there's a jungle out there.
It's a jungle out there

I got inspired for this painting when I was watching Monk the other day.

Even though that I am almost in my mid thirty, I feel that I didn't live my life yet.
There are lot's of things I want to do, but I am feeling that I am a prisoner behind the doors and walls, that my parents build around me.

In their mind they are protecting me, but this is overprotection, This is wrong.

When I will have my chance to live ?? If it's not now then when??

This girl here represent me, but most of girls I know who saw this painting said they have the same feeling..

So I am dedicating this painting to all the girls out there who their families keeping them locked away behind house's doors away from the world.. the world who they let us picturing it as a jungle and won't let us explore it..

This is to you all..

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