Monday, August 30, 2010


لما كنت صغيرة كنت اشم حق رمضان ريحة حلوة، احسها في الجو حوالينا. أتذكر رمضان قبل ممزوج بصوت الديك وهو يأذن الفجر، وروحتي حق بيوت الجيران أوزع صحون الأكل عليهم، وآخذ منهم حق بيتنا.

الحين ماصرت اشم هالريحة الحلوة في الجو. ليش؟ شنو اللي تغير؟ رمضان تغير والا احنا تغيرنا؟ كبرنا، وداومنا، وانشغلنا.

رمضان السنة وايد متعب، قبل كنت ماحس بالوقت يمر، والحين احسه ثقيل وطويل، ومن أقوم من النوم وانا احس بالعطش لحد مافطر.

يمكن لأنه صادف أحر سنة. قريت ان الصيف في كل البلدان وصل درجات حرارة ماوصلها من قبل. وعندنا وصل الستين، وبعض المناطق عداها.

ومع هالتعب وثقل الوقت، حسيت ان رمضان مر بسرعة السنة. مر القرنقعوه وعدى، والحين ماباقي منه الا عشرة ايام تقريبا.

ولحد الحين ماشميت ريحته.

السنة الياية ان شاءالله اذا الله احيانا، باشم ريحته والا خلاص، راحت ومابترد؟

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, August 27, 2010


It's really nice when you can speak two or more languages.
I know Arabic, English and little Japanese. Well most people I know are like me.

But what I really hate is the writing.

I can read Arabic and I can read English, but this gibberish I can't. I hate it when people combine Arabic words with English letters..
Why they are doing that?? Thinking it makes them looks smart?? Oh look at us.. we can't use Arabic keyboard, it's too hard on us.

I believe they call this kind of writing the Chat writing, and I know that people invented this kind of writing, cuz many live in foreign countries and they don't have supported Arabic computers, so they used to use this language.

But that was in the past, when the computers used to be simple, so why still using it?

And what about the people who live in their countries?? They don't need to use this kind of writing, why keep using it?

When I come across this writing, I ignore it and skip to the Arabic parts which I can understand easily. And when people SMS me, I refuse to read unless it was Arabic or English, cuz if I tried to read it, I am going to spend more than five minutes @_@

Please people stop using this awful mixing between two beautiful languages. And trust me, it's not making you look smart and educated at all.

Ocean's Smooth Lineart Tutorial in SAI

So Loud

I hate loud noises >_<
When I am at work, and everyone talking to me at the same time asking me for tasks and things to do, I feel like I am going to cry. I can't concentrate like this, even though I am a multi tasking person.

When I am sitting peacefully in my room, hearing nothing but my own thoughts, this is the greatest moment in the day. After a long day at work, I really prefer sitting alone in my room than sitting with my family which I didn't see the whole day.

If there are planets for sale, for sure I am going to buy one for me, a small one that include a small house and a tiny field full with roses and sun flowers. You know that little planet you start with in Mario Galaxy Wii game?? This will be my planet.

I can read the whole day there, or I can paint, and when I want something I can travel in my little space ship to the mall planet and get what I need then get back to mine.
But I have to think of ways to keep annoying people away from me. Maybe a guard space dog, or I can pay some security company to make patrols around my planet to keep everyone away from me.

Dreams will never come true, I know. Until that I have my small room.