Sunday, August 9, 2009


I know that a summer vecation in Bahrain is not counting as a vecation, but as long as you have a family here ^^ you will have a good time no matter what.

I love coming here everysummer, to catch up with the family and look to thier children and how big and tall they got @_@ in the last year.

Oh my GOD, some of them are taller than me, what the kids eat these days??? I wasn't that tall when I was in thier age, I am not that tall and I am in my age >_<>_< and my cat but I am going back to Qatar on Tuseday, and still have a week left from the vecation so I can relax at home and catch up with my painting and the tower of animes and mangas that I didn't read or watch yet.

Happy Summer Vecation to you all people ^^

Looking forward for winter vecation @_@

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