Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Stop Motion
Once I know how to make stop motion movies, I got carried away with them.
I couldn't stop myself from doing more and more of them, no stories, just things moving around in silly ways, you can see my hand in most of them.
But then I wanted to make something good, so me and my friend Toto did this really short movie, it took like 4 hours to do @_@, I know it is a long time, but we had to prepare the set and the clay and everything.
The funny thing is everyone in the house came and watched us making it, it was funny when my mom start givving us advices even though she didn't know what we are having in mind.
I wnat to make another one, but I don't have time now =_= and I have these nice ideas I want to do.
But I think I will do something soon, I just have to borrow the stop motion camera from my brother again @_@.