Sunday, January 6, 2008


I am an inside person.
I don't like going out to crowded places with lots of people, I don't like going camping, or spending time outside.
Instead I like to stay at my room, watching TV, working on my computer, drawing or even reading a good book.
So when we have these familey activities, when they like to go camping in sea or desert, I have to go for sure but not without my survival kite.
I have to take a movie player, sketch book and some mangas. Sure I won't forget my camera cuz I will alawys find something good to snapshot.
In last Christmas when my familey decided they want to go to the desert and stay there for a day, in the begening I didn't want to go too, cuz I know myself that I will have a bad time. But my brother and sisters start begeing me to go along, with promises that I will enjoy it.
I went to the desert in the end, and I enjoyed it ^^ alot. I didnt exepect that but I had a good time, and it was fun driving cars and riding motor bikes and in the night we had a barBQ. It was nice.
I think next time I will go too, and sure that I will have a good time like before ^^.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Stop Motion

Once I know how to make stop motion movies, I got carried away with them.

I couldn't stop myself from doing more and more of them, no stories, just things moving around in silly ways, you can see my hand in most of them.

But then I wanted to make something good, so me and my friend Toto did this really short movie, it took like 4 hours to do @_@, I know it is a long time, but we had to prepare the set and the clay and everything.

The funny thing is everyone in the house came and watched us making it, it was funny when my mom start givving us advices even though she didn't know what we are having in mind.

I wnat to make another one, but I don't have time now =_= and I have these nice ideas I want to do.

But I think I will do something soon, I just have to borrow the stop motion camera from my brother again @_@.